The 2012 Toyota Camry

4 11 2012

ImageThe 2012 Toyota Camry is a beautiful car and is environmentally friendly as well. The vehicle meets national zero emissions standards while achieving a combined 41 MPG rating. The vehicle is also amongst the safest having achieved a five star crash rating on frontal driver, side driver and side rear passenger tests. Just like the Sonata, the Camry achieved a four star rating on frontal passenger crash tests, but it is still one of the safest vehicles on the road. Teens will love the eye-catching paint colors they can choose from.

For starters

23 11 2010

The Creoris Ventures family of companies:

Snapper’s Foods –

GreenStreet Autos –

GreenLife Realty –

Dyna Homes –

TITL Clothing –

Grand Scheme Entertainment –

Following will be brief summaries of each company.

Hello world!

23 11 2010

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